The purpose of “Nuts and Bolts of Mad Scientist’s Guide to Composition” is to brush up on the “nuts and bolts” of English prose. The first section covers dismembered parts of speech, specifically how nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and coordinating conjunctions are used to form sentences. The next section explains that using they/them/their is not only acceptable but a more gender neutral/inclusive alternative when assigning pronouns in a sentence. The chapter also touches on incomplete clauses, danger words, fixing sentence fragments, and punctuation. Ch. 2: Inside the Tutoring Session provides an overview of the structure of a tutoring session and what typically happens during one. While the session’s flow depends on the student’s progress with their paper, there are some key elements that are consistent across every session. It usually starts with establishing rapport with the writer and asking questions about their paper that will help guide your approach. From...